You stopped by to see me?? Well, hello and thank you. Have a seat and get comfortable! I created this blog because I want my own little space on the world wide web where I can be unapologetically me.
If you don’t know me, then you would have no idea why I call myself Tweety Py. My family nick named me Tweety, and when they were really affectionate, they called me Tweety Py. While I was an innocent little something, I was authentically myself. But life happened, and experience in the hood robbed me of my innocence and I became rough and tough with my relaxed afro puff! Ha!
After some time, the trials of life layered my little brain with layers of negativity, and I lost my wide-eyed innocence. From those experiences, I buried my crazy, fun, open-hearted self in a hidden place even I couldn’t find for a long while.
For the last 19 years, God has taken me on a journey to recover my treasures and discover even more things about myself I didn’t even know. Now, I’m showing out and taken names later, baby!

I don’t apologize for who I am. I’m a goofy, funny, compassionate, giving, hot-headed, firecracker, looking to help and love others and receive the same.
I’m a swearing Christian asking God’s help to tame my tongue. I’m not perfect and gave up trying to be. I do the best with what I know and I’m always learning. I can be impatient (I’m working on that too). I’m so ADHD I’m surpised that I’m still focused on this blog entry! LOL
I think I’ve done plenty and have lived long enough to share some wisdom, lend some guidance, encourage, motivate and steer some people in the direction of their goals and dreams.
If you’re a CyberGirl (or guy) or interested in pursuing Cyber as a profession, stop by my sister website, She Mocks Me, and check out all things Cyber Security including a listing of available Cyber jobs. Both tweetypy.com and shemocksme.com are new websites that I’m populating with articles once a week. Over time, you will see plenty of informative and funny articles! So keep coming back! Drop me a note so I’ll know you were here!
Remember this: You’re winning as long as you stay in the game!
~Tweety Py