How I Protected Myself From The Recent Rise In Prices
What in the high-gas-prices-at-the-pump is going on with this economy? Prices are rising faster than a steaming fart on a 105 temp scorching day! I joke to keep from screaming, ya’ll. For real though, these prices are crazy!
I went to the grocery store to purchase a rotisserie chicken, strawberries, cool whip (get your mind out of the gutter LOL), blueberries, milk, croissants, and a couple other items that filled 4 plastic bags (I use “filled” loosely). Why, why, why did I pay approximately $70??

When Will The Madness End?
My mind reeled as I remembered these items would have cost me no more than $45 only a few months ago. A gallon of milk 5 months back would have been $1.75. Now, the lowest price for a gallon of milk is $3.09 and the lowest price for a half gallon is $2.09!
I wondered when will this madness end? So, I decided to do a bit of research and discovered it won’t end anytime this year based on the USDA Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. They predict food prices at the grocery store and restaurants combined will rise between 3.0 and 6.5 percent this year.
Food prices are not the only thing that’s rising. Also rising are the cost of buying a home, renting an apartment, and purchasing a car. The Federal Reserve increased the interest rate by 0.25 percent and the moratorium on student loans ends May 1st. All while Covid variants dance above our heads and employers are demanding employees physically return to work, because they have buildings to pay for and they need them filled pronto! This is craziness!!

Here Is What I Did To Protect Myself
I digress.
After I regained my balance at the shock of it all, I knew I had to find a way to beat this dilemma and thrive. So I did these 6 things to protect myself from recent rise in prices.
- Just about everything is subscription based. To my amazement, I subscribed to a lot of services. So, I canceled the majority of them, which added created $225 cash flow.
- I dusted off some digital books I wrote a few years ago and have been promoting them for the last 3 weeks. $75, baby (every penny counts). And I am about to write and publish more this year.
- Need a blog or business website created? I’m open for business! So far, one client – $300.
- Yes, I’m a ghostwriter! Been one for a 15 years, but stopped because I needed a break. It won’t be long before I start making money. I could make thousands with the right client!
- You’ll see here where I created a great idea for a subscription-based online community that I’m working on right now! There’s still lot of work to do. Go ahead and join for free!
- Save more and spending less is my new motto. All the extra money will go towards my retirement.

Working in the field of cyber security has never been more lucrative. It make since for me leverage what I know with a couple of certifications which will help my income soar!.
We Can Do This!
We are living in challenging times, and I refuse to struggle or worry about situations that are out of my control, and I won’t let this sky-rocketing economy obliterate my finances or my joy! I’ve taken control of what I can and leaving what I can’t to God.
I’m constantly thinking of more money-generating ideas, and when I do, I’ll share them with you! Please feel free to share your ideas too!
I’m a goofy, funny, compassionate, giving, hot-headed, firecracker, looking to inspire, motivate, share some knowledge and wisdom, love others and receive the same.
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Connie Brown
Nice!!!! I love it!
Congratulations!!! You’re winning!
We both are winning, Connie! Please return every week and check out my new articles. There will be topics on all kinds of stuff, hopefully something you can relate to. Tweety Py will be ever-changing as I get a good flow of how this all works. I appreciate you!
Okima McRae
Love this much needed motivational read and it got my wheels turning about the projects I am currently working on as well as deleting some of this subscriptions I pay money for and barely use.
Glad you enjoyed the article, and hopefully some of those suggestions will work for you! Let me know if they do. Thanks, Okima!